Daily Wagers – Makers of Society

When pictures of celebrities get published on websites, newspapers and other print media, I fail to understand why? Why celebrities get all the importance. It’s quite disheartening to see the glamour getting all and the commoners are left aside. But the truth is, besides glamour, there is a world… a real one, where nights are stinky humid and days are like war. Where one has to fight for survival every single day of his life. It’s a fight to earn, a fight to exist, a fight to eat and a fight to dream… a dream they wished was real.

Here’s a the first part in a series dedicated to the working class of this nation- Daily Wagers, ones who make this nation run, fighters who live the pain of life and don’t even bother to complaint. Daily Wagers!


© P Ravi Kant  2012. All rights reserved.


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